Tag Archive: pcos

Confessions of a Sugar Addict

Hello, my name is Suki. And I’m a sugar addict. It began the first time I tasted Coca-Cola. They called me Coca-Cola baby. If I could have had it in my baby bottle,… Continue reading

A Bite of Cupcake, a Little Yoga, and Pinch of Love

I am excited to welcome another another guest blogger to Sookton’s Space! Elena, the sweet genius behind The Cupcake Factory blog, is going to share her secret recipe for a healthy cupcake (they… Continue reading

Facing the Pain: My Battle with PCOS and Endometriosis

As featured in the latest 302 Health Magazine: Curled up in the fetal position I would clutch my abdomen as the cramps grew worse. With each wave of nausea I would breathe in… Continue reading

New Year: New Me

“I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I intended to be.” – Douglas Adams Ah. Here I am again, breathing in a… Continue reading

Putting an End to Endo

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the word “endometriosis.” It’s probably because I’ve been saying it more, and writing it, and spelling it, and having Microsoft Word tell me that it does… Continue reading

These Are A Few of My Favorite Things

Hey, if Oprah can do it, I can do it. Just a quick post to show you some of my favorite things: 1. African Inspired Purses and Bags When I grew up in… Continue reading

Mutate and Evolve

Today I know what the X-Men must have felt like. Mutants. Genetically flawed creatures that lurk in the shadows. Ok- I’m exaggerating but you get the point. My favorite was always Storm, but… Continue reading