Tag Archive: sugar

Confessions of a Sugar Addict

Hello, my name is Suki. And I’m a sugar addict. It began the first time I tasted Coca-Cola. They called me Coca-Cola baby. If I could have had it in my baby bottle,… Continue reading

A Bite of Cupcake, a Little Yoga, and Pinch of Love

I am excited to welcome another another guest blogger to Sookton’s Space! Elena, the sweet genius behind The Cupcake Factory blog, is going to share her secret recipe for a healthy cupcake (they… Continue reading

Detox Day 2: Secret Lovers

♥ Initial Weight: 126 ♥ ♥ Current Weight: 124 ♥ Mood: Fatigue, Decaffeinated. I need tea. Here I am at the end of day 2 and for probably about half of my day… Continue reading

An Ode to Overindulgence

We are set up to fail. The American way, Of Hand Burger Helper, And fries with Old Bay. It can’t be a little, It must be a lot, And why add more Sugar… Continue reading